Saturday, February 14, 2009

How and why I choose this title name?

In my blog, I will talk about my true feelings, my thoughts, my experiences, my concerns, my hopes and my dreams. My blog will talk about my surroundings; so I've thought about diamonds. Diamond is the most stable, unbreakable, beautiful, valuable and respectable stone. It represents the strength and untamed quality. The bigger the diamond will be, the more cuts it will have; thus it will be more valuable and beautiful. It is the strongest stone of the world and it cannot be scratched unless with another diamond. Whereas, it has the boldness to cut and give shape to other objects and it can bring the beauty out of those objects. While the cuts could be hard (painful) to the primary object – still diamond will do its job (and will say the truth). Besides its strength and usefulness, diamond’s beauty and its cuts dazzle our sights and our souls. --- “The dazzling beauty of diamond cuts”!!!!

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